Monday, August 30, 2010

Before Eye Surgery

P's eye doesn't usually look quite this bad dramatically bad, but it does have the ability. It usually isn't quite this obvious, but nonetheless, below is why she is scheduled for surgery next week. The thinking is that the sooner she has surgery, the best chances she has that her brain will be able to learn to use both eyes again, together.
For those who do not know, I myself don't have binocular vision and thus my right eye is wandering a bit in this photo. But I thank God I have perfect vision out of both eyes and that they usually track fairly well together. I hope better for my daughter, though. We shall see!
Oh, and anyone curious to see post op photos? I'll definitly take some as I find the one from when I was little very interesting as it is the only proof I have that I had surgery as I have no memory.


  1. I remember those days well. She will be fine. Just avoid the post surgery outings. You'll avoid the stares from concerned on lookers. I got some of those accusing stares years ago.

  2. Man, I need to get on Facebook again. Surgery?!?!?! Poor dear! But, you have beautiful eyes and a little wandering is better than being nearly blind - speaking from personal experience. I just ordered new glasses last week to update the ones I have from high school. The doctor was shocked I had them for so long calling the frames "ancient artifacts" and he welcomed me to the modern era of eye wear. So, I don't know when this is dated but I'm guessing the surgery was done last week? We'll be praying for an amazing recovering and perfect sight! Now, I need to read your other make sure Brian is still alive, that you all haven't moved to Texas or had any other children. =)

  3. Lori, you crack me up! Oh goodness I miss you!

    Well, and I need to change my settings to that I get email updates when you write a comment. I'm just now going to post post-op photos. P just had the surgery done on Friday and so you are quite timely w/your photo viewing. : - )
